Residential Burn Permit Information
Burn Permits Are Now Available For Purchase
Burning is allowed ONLY on Permissive Burn Days and properties 1/2 acre or larger. Call 1-800-225-2876 or check online HERE for burn status. North County FPD is located in the Coastal Zone.
For Agricultural Permits, please call 831-633-2578 or visit Station 1 - 11200 Speegle Street Castroville, CA 95012
What Can I Burn?
Burning only DRY clippings and trimmings from trees and other natural vegetation grown on your property. Grass and leaves shall NOT be burned as they pose a greater fire hazard and generate large amounts of smoke. They must be disposed of in the waste containers provided by your local disposal provider.
The hotter the fire, the less smoke there will be. Watch where your smoke is going. If it is travelling in the direction of your neighbor or creating an unsafe condition, put the fire out. Smoke complaints may result in fire personnel revoking the permit.
The use of incinerators or burn barrels is prohibited. Do not burn Poison Oak or Poison Ivy! See the complete list below of prohibited burn items.
Garbage or rubbish, metal and cans
Treated wood, plywood, lumber
Insulation, caulking tubes, paints or coatings
Construction or demolition debris
Furniture or lumber (treated/untreated)
Asphalt shingles, tar paper
Tires, rubber, plastics and glass
Grass clippings. It is no longer legal to burn grass clippings because
they cause too much smoke
Hours Of Burning
Open burning shall be permitted from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. daily. Do not add more vegetation to the fire after 3 P.M.
All fires shall be completely extinguished by 5:00 P.M. each day.
Burning Guidelines
Recommended pile size is 4’x4’ diameter
An area of 10’ from the outer edge of the pile shall be maintained free and clear of all flammable material and vegetation
Responsible person shall be in attendance with a tool (shovel, rake, etc) until the fire is extinguished
Some form of extinguishment (i.e. garden hose) available at the pile
No burning shall be undertaken unless weather conditions permit safe burning
Applicable Fire Code sections:
307.2.2 - Hours of Burning. Open burning shall be permitted only from 8:00 A.M. until 3 P.M. Fires shall be completely extinguished before 5:00 P.M. each day.
307.4 - Location. The location for open burning shall not be less than 100 feet from any structure and provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 100 feet of any structure.
307.5 - Attendance. Open burning, bonfires, recreational fires, rural residential maintenance fires, and use of outdoor fireplaces shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished. A minimum of one portable on site fire-extinguisher complying with Section 906 with a minimum 4-A rating OR other approved on-site fire extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water barrel, garden hose or water truck shall be available for immediate utilization.
Violations of any of these permit terms are violations of California State Law. (Public Resources Code 4421, 4422, 4423, 4425). Health & Safety Code 13009 states that persons who loses control of permitted burns may be held liable for suppression costs. A VIOLATION OF THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULES 438 AND REGULATIONS IS A MISDEMEANOR AND CAN SUBJECT YOU TO MONETARY PENALTIES.
Online Purchase Available
Residential burn permits are valid December 1st, 2024 through April 30th, 2025. Burn on permissive days only. End date is subject to suspension by fire officials during period of high fire danger. The permit can be revoked at any time by North County FPD Chief or CAL FIRE. Click Buy Now to purchase. Be sure to click Return To Merchant on the invoice to receive the printable permit. Example shown below.
2024-2025 Permit Cost
Any Questions? Contact NCFPD at 831-633-2578 .